• Are you you a seeker of wisdom wanting to understand how to bring Yoga into your daily life and the life of others?
• Have you ever wondered what the rich philosophical approach to this ancient practice is really all about?
• How does Yoga work on both, the physical and psychological levels?
• This teacher training is a transformative journey, a path to reach your full potential, a journey of self discovery & deep enquiry into how we can live together harmoniously.
This is an opportunity for the dedicated and passionate practitioner to explore and fully integrate all the elements of Yoga through practice and experience. A practice that will build both inner and outer strength helping you to become more focused more present, without the anxiety of the past or concerns of the future. A journey from the physical form of Asana to the more subtle elements of breath , bandhas mudras and mantra. Unwiding the unconscious patterns of the mind, bringing all separate parts of the self back to wholeness.
Helping you to evolve consciously as an individual, together as greater whole
EVOLVE YOGA TRAINING has the uk’s leading experts in the field of Yoga Asana & Pranayama, who have been immersed in the classic traditional teachings from India in the field of Yoga and Meditation. They have spent decades in dedicated study and practice and have assisted alongside some of the greatest teachers in the world. They are passionate and dedicated to sharing their experience and love for yoga as a way of life.
The Pranayama teachings and Philosophy of Yoga has been directly passed on to Course Director, Vicki Shields from Yogic Master Sri OP Tiwari one the few remaining Masters of Pranayama and Hatha Yoga in the world today. Tiwariji has given his personal blessing and certified Vicki to pass on this knowledge and wisdom. The Asana is taught by Vicki and Donna Southwell both with over 20 years of dedicated practice in both Iyengar and Ashtanga Methods & Donna has s a level 2 authorisation to teach Ashtanga.
Our fully integrated 200 hour TT certified by Yoga Alliance Professionals can be both a practitioners intensive a means of strengthening your own practice, as well as a foundation in the teaching of yoga to beginners.
The teaching is spread over a 11 months and takes place at the renowned Inhale Yoga Studio in the lovely village of Hale on the outskirts of Manchester. Initially, there is a 7 day intensive, situated in a stunning lakeside setting. It has lovely accommodation, and restaurant standard, fresh seasonal home grown food which is fully inclusive in the cost of the training. For these 7 days you can be fully immersed in your practice, away from the distractions of daily life; a chance to ‘live’ yoga. We take care of everything so you can fully connect with your practice.
Our approach to teaching is experiential so your learning and understanding will develop as your practice deepens. You will have a whole year to allow the knowledge and experience to be fully integrated and your confidence to build. You will learn the fundamentals of a balanced yoga practice and development of your own personalised dynamic core vinyasa self practice , with the knowledge & principles of movement to facilitate joint opening and strength. interlaced with more restorative approaches , understanding the importance of the breath and how it impacts on the mind and nervous system is key and central to how we approach practice leading onto pranayama and meditation. why not get in touch with any further questions or visit our website to see just what a rich experience you can expect. www.evolveyogatraining.com or email for a prospectus today